Book Your Cuckoo Clock Commission

Yes, I’d love to create a unique cuckoo clock for you!
My first commission was an incredible honor to make. As a rubber duckie collector Ernie is my hero. So when Sesame Street Workshop called to ask me to make a cuckoo clock for the retirement of Mr. Spinney, Big Bird and Oscar’s puppeteer, I could barely contain my joy.
The commission process starts with a phone call or an email. Most often, as in the case of the Sesame Street clock, we come up with the actual concept together. Or you may have a clear vision as to what you want. In which case…
People love to envision cuckoo clocks doing all sorts of fun stuff. And so do I!
The reality is that the cuckoo clocks I make are traditional, powered by gravity. Any animation is powered by the movement or bellows. Therefore I can only get certain actions from the figures on the clock and placement is limited as well. With only so much power to trigger them I am limited as to the size of the figures as large ones will bog down the time-keeping of the clock.
Since I use traditional bellows in my clocks they are true cuckoos. The other option is an owl sound which you can hear in my Hickory Flat Cuckoo Clock.
Just a little forewarning. I don’t enjoy disappointing people!
Expect that a from-scratch new design could take me a year to build for you. Time for completion depends upon the complexity of the design and therefore number of tasks to make the clock vision a reality. So it could be longer or shorter. And of course, what is ahead of your clock on my work bench dictates the start time.
Commission Pricing
Commission pricing is based on several factors including intricacy of the design and numbers of animations, and therefore how long it will take me to make.
My clocks require a myriad of skills. Even a seemingly simple new design can take me a hundred hours to complete. They are art, but they are also functioning clocks!
Generally, if I can start with a clock I have already designed and make a few changes, the price can fall under $10,000 for the customized original. Check out my Made-For-You Cuckoo Clocks to see if something will work for you as a starting point. If I start from scratch and have new figures and animations to make, prices usually range from $12,000 to $25,000 or more.
I will be able to provide a more precise price range as I learn more details from you. And once we work out the design, a firm price.
Let’s Get Started
To get started, either email, call, or text me with your vision. If we determine it is do-able we then work on specifics and I will flesh out a design.
For the mechanics work I start by making digital drawings of a clock design, providing me a starting point from which to create accurate templates for the clock case. The movement needs to fit in properly, holes for the chains need to line up, and the cuckoo hole must be reachable for the cuckoo.
Once I get those bones worked out, I’ll start adding in the design elements. At that point I will have a visual for you which I will send to you for your approval.
With your approval of the design and timeline, I’ll send you a simple contract. A non-refundable deposit of 50% is required to reserve a space in my schedule and to get started on your clock.
Once the clock is finished and ready for testing I will send you a photo and video of the clock and request the balance before shipping.
When your piece arrives you will find detailed unpacking and setup instructions. We can do a video call while you set up your clock to help walk you through making sure everything is ticking and cuckooing along just fine. If you are fairly local I would be happy to deliver your clock and set it up for you.

Feel free to contact me and let me know what you have in mind,
(678) 570-7232